ICAB secures temporary housing for elderly couple amidst home subsidence crisis




Serviced Apartment

Apartment Living Room

A call came in to ICAB’s claims team in August 2024 from a home insurance provider. Their policy holders had experienced subsidence in their Kirkaldy home and it was uninhabitable.

The policy holders were both elderly, in their 90’s with one extremely vulnerable with some complex health issues. ICAB’s claims handler Gabby immediately contacted the policy holder’s son, who was joint carer with his brother. Both brothers had power of attorney for their parents so were able to act on their behalf. 

It was not possible to book the couple into a hotel due to the vulnerabilities, so whilst the search for a longer-term solution was being conducted by ICAB, the brothers took it in turns to look after their parents temporarily at their properties.

It was clear once the damage was assessed that a serviced apartment would be the ideal solution for the length of time that the works were estimated to take.

Using one of our preferred suppliers, a serviced apartment was duly searched for by Gabby– it needed to be close to their home, their support network and the local hospital for ongoing appointments. It also had to have three bedrooms, and two bathrooms (one accessible) as the sons were going to help care for their parents and alternate their time staying with them.  

An apartment was found and agreed to by all parties, but due to the scarcity of suitable serviced apartments in the Kirkaldy area that met the unique criteria, it was unfortunately ‘snapped up’ by someone else.

However, Gabby immediately started the search again, and another was sourced the same day – a delightful ground floor apartment just two miles from the risk address which suited both the policy holders and their sons perfectly. Authorisation was requested and provided by the insurance provider, and the couple moved in.

It was a stressful time for the family, and the sons wanted to make sure their parents had the best outcome with as little disruption to their lives as possible. Gabby kept them up to date every step of the way, reassuring them, and they were delighted with the service that they received, with the assurance that their parents would be temporarily rehoused safely:

‘Thanks so much Gabby.  You have worked hard to get this settled and it’s a comfort for me to go off on my trip now knowing Mum and Dad will be sorted out.’