ICAB’s efficient response to complex home relocation needs in time of emergency




Rental property

Home relocation - Women holding keys

An insurance policyholder suffered an escape of water in their home on 6th December, rendering it uninhabitable. ICAB was contacted the same day by  loss adjusters on behalf of the home insurance provider, and as the repair work was expected to last at least six months, a rental property was required.

The ICAB claims team immediately carried out a search for a rental property. A property was found immediately, and the details were sent to the policyholder to arrange a viewing.

However, the policyholder responded and informed ICAB that they needed two bedrooms which are not next to each other as the couple both work from home. Their jobs are highly confidential and they were not able to be in a position where they could hear each other’s calls due to data protection.

Further searches were carried out by the ICAB claims team and several suitable properties were sourced the next day. These properties were subsequently sent over to the policyholder and viewings were arranged.

The policyholder advised ICAB on 9th December that they had viewed a property and wished to proceed with the rental. Contact was made with the agent and confirmation of the rental and costs were sent to the loss adjuster for approval.

The loss adjuster queried the costs and the ICAB claims handler explained why a further room was required because of the specific working arrangements. The policyholder also has two large dogs and a cat so ICAB was searching for properties that would accommodate both their working needs and their pets. Further searches were completed for the loss adjuster to validate the costs and they were then agreed immediately.

The policy holder moved in into the property on 18th December, with the tenancy secured for six months. They also needed removal and storage of their belongings from their property. As ICAB has access to a network of carefully selected, reliable and fully insured removals and storage suppliers across the UK, this was arranged for them.

From the date of instruction, within twelve days, a property was secured, taking into account the unique needs of the policyholder. They were delighted with the service, as they had found the idea of temporarily having to relocate to a rental property stressful, but our highly trained knowledgeable team assisted them with every aspect of the rental process with understanding, speed and efficiency.