What 'Mindset and Motivation' means to me
Accommodation Team Supervisor, Emma Langdon, shares what she’s learnt and what mindset and motivation means to her.
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- By Emma Langdon, Accommodation Team Supervisor
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I’ve worked at ICAB since 2006 and as the bosses will tell you I thrive and am at my best under pressure; something this job often provides! But the pressure and mental challenge that this last year has put on me (and everyone else!) has been a set of whole new tests.
When I first received the email from my Directors offering a session on Mindset and Motivation, I was very interested in taking part due to my current state of mind. However I never thought that having a chat with strangers, over Zoom, would be uplifting and would help my mental state straight away.
Personally I was very emotional as soon as they started speaking. I found their explanations along with their diagrams and slides extremely powerful. Every one really hit home but especially the difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset which I’m sure everyone can relate to. I realise how important it is to have a growth mindset now and learn and adapt to new things.
I thought I would try their breathing, gratitude and meditation technique this morning for the 3 minutes as they suggested and honestly I feel a lot more relaxed already and I will definitely be doing this every day for the 30 day challenge. After that I hope it will become part of daily life. Whilst I appreciate that things are not easily changed when it comes to your mind, I think that hearing them speak about the different ways you can try and “train” your brain will be useful for me in the future.
This session could not have come at a better time for me and I am grateful for my Directors for arranging this. I’m also so grateful to Oliver and Adam from Work Life Well Academy for running the session and giving all the tips and techniques plus a space to share our thoughts. Little sessions like this really do help and they make you realise that actually you are not alone. I would recommend sessions like these to everyone not just in a global pandemic or lockdown but at any time as having some of these tools really can help to change your perspective – that for me is exciting! Your mind really is a powerful thing!
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